Hulk Bra Edging: Part 14

Welcome back fearless readers- I had a fairly unproductive sewing weekend, I had a nice date day with hubs on Saturday and then collective rehearsal followed by Bellyanna Delaware Drum and Dance Halfa where we got to swap music around and dance to things you possible had never heard. It was a TON of fun

All that being said- today is going to be a quicky post for you!

If you haven’t been following first off-where have you been? secondly- click HERE You can catch up on some of the more recent posts!

If you remember we laid out the bra design with thread and dangerous pins:


So the goal was to get these all edged out before moving on to the center bits, but that shit just didn’t happen. I started on the inside closest to the applique:


and I just moved along following the line of my thread and sort of removing pins as I went- but leaving the thread in place (for better or worse).


As we move along- I used my jumbo wonder clips to hold the straps out of the way (because they do get in the way a lot. And checking frequently underneath to make sure my thread wasn’t caught on the pins sticking into the bra:


and then- ta da- we have a line of beading:


And that’s about where we landed- I can’t believe that’s all we got done this weekend- but life is life- and you have to accept it.

Till next time fearless readers!


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